Destinovate Blog

Reimagining the Visitor Center Experience

Written by Destinovate | Feb 28, 2023 6:09:56 AM

In recent years, the concept of a traditional visitor center has become somewhat outdated, especially for younger generations. Millennials and Gen-Zers, in particular, are seeking more immersive and interactive experiences when they visit a new destination. They are less interested in picking up paper brochures and more interested in exploring a destination through technology and interactive displays. This shift in expectations presents an opportunity for destinations to reinvent the visitor center experience as a more engaging and dynamic local discovery center or visitor experience gallery.

The traditional visitor center, with its rows of brochures and static displays, can feel impersonal and uninspiring to younger travelers. However, a local discovery center or visitor experience gallery offers an opportunity to showcase the unique and exciting aspects of a destination in a way that is more interactive and engaging. By leveraging technology, such as virtual reality, augmented reality, and interactive touchscreens, visitors can explore a destination in a more immersive way. For example, visitors could virtually hike a local trail, visit a historical landmark, or sample local cuisine.

Another advantage of a local discovery center or visitor experience gallery is that it allows destinations to tailor the experience to specific visitor segments. By incorporating interactive displays and technology that appeal to different interests and age groups, destinations can create a more personalized and relevant experience for visitors. For example, a destination might create an exhibit on local craft breweries for beer enthusiasts or a virtual reality experience that takes visitors on a tour of local street art for art lovers.

Additionally, a local discovery center or visitor experience gallery can serve as a hub for the local community, offering a space for events, workshops, and educational programs that showcase the destination's culture and history. This can help foster a deeper connection between visitors and the local community, creating a more authentic and meaningful travel experience.

In conclusion, the visitor center experience is evolving, and destinations need to adapt to meet the expectations of younger travelers. A local discovery center or visitor experience gallery that leverages technology and interactive displays offers a more engaging and immersive way for visitors to explore a destination. By tailoring the experience to specific visitor segments and creating a hub for the local community, destinations can create a more personalized and authentic travel experience that appeals to a new generation of travelers.