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Digital Destination Infrastructure
Tourism Technology Planning for the Next Generation Traveler

Empowering Sustainable Tourism for the Future

Transform your destination for the modern, connected world with Digital Destination Infrastructure planning and consulting services.

A digital destination infrastructure plan is a strategy that outlines how a tourism destination will leverage technology to improve visitor experiences and optimize operations. This plan is essential in today's digital age as it helps destinations stay competitive and meet the increasing expectations of tech-savvy travelers.

A well-designed digital destination infrastructure plan can improve visitor satisfaction, increase efficiency in managing resources and operations, and enhance the overall competitiveness of the destination. Implementing a digital destination infrastructure plan can lead to long-term growth for the tourism industry in a destination.

What is Included with a Digital Destination Infrastructure Plan?

  • Assessment of current technology infrastructure and capabilities
  • Analysis of technology trends and innovations in the tourism industry
  • Identification of technology solutions to enhance the visitor experience
  • Recommendations for investment in digital infrastructure, including hardware and software
  • Development of a digital roadmap outlining the implementation of technology solutions
  • Integration of digital solutions into the destination's marketing and communications plan
  • Creation of performance metrics and measurement plans to track the success of digital initiatives
  • Consideration of cybersecurity and data privacy measures to ensure the safety and security of visitor information.

Digital Destination Infrastructure Pricing

Services are billed at $49 per business included with the Digital Destination Infrastructure Plan, which must include at least 10 tourism-related businesses within the study area. Digital Destination Infrastructure consulting services start at $490 for a small study area of ten businesses covering one city or town, and can be scaled up to include an entire county or multi-county regions.

What Comes Next?

A Tourism Asset Inventory, Go-To-Market Strategy, and Digital Destination Infrastructure Plan are crucial tools for a destination to transform its tourism products for success. These strategies provide a comprehensive understanding of a destination's strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities.

The Go-To-Market Strategy outlines how a destination will promote its products, reach its target audience and position itself in the market while the Digital Destination Infrastructure Plan provides a roadmap for the destination's technology needs, including the development and integration of digital tools and platforms to enhance the visitor experience.

By fully utilizing these strategies, a destination can effectively market its products, improve operational efficiency, and enhance the visitor experience, leading to long-term growth and success.